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Here’s an odd question but needs to be asked. 
  Has any one recently ( in the last month or so) had a charge to their credit card that they didn’t make ?  I’ve just had my credit card company email me and call me to see if I had made a charge today . The charge was for $479 and change . This charge was from supposedly a lawyer in Florida. I’m located on the northern border of the US. The charge Only provided first name and last initial.  It was definitely fraud. I’ve only used my card a few times in the last month. One of the purchases was from Nirvana for beans a few weeks ago . Only reason I bring this up is I’m trying to figure out where this took place.   No blame to any specific company but thought I would see if anyone else had recent issues. Thanks for your time and understanding of this strange question. 

    • I've been buying from nirvana for 7 years and never had a problem. I do know that Google has been sending me notifications saying my passwords etc have been exposed on several sites... Been monitoring everything and haven't seen anything yet. I doubt it's from nirvana card processing. 

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      • Thanks for the response 420.   I haven’t had any issues with buying my beans from the either for about 5 years.  My thought is possibly the bank or company that processes the payment might have been hacked.  The card company had stopped the transaction before it went through.  In todays world it could be anyone anywhere in the world. 

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        • I had a similar problem about 2 months ago. The bank took care of it but I never found out who stole the number. I didn't use the card overseas so it was within the USA. I would like to use PayPal but I guess they still shun the weed industry. 

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          • I had a similar problem about 2 months ago. The bank took care of it but I never found out who stole the number. I didn't use the card overseas so it was within the USA. I would like to use PayPal but I guess they still shun the weed industry. 

            This has happened to me 2 times in the past 2 years..luckily the bank caught it both times...I told em good job both times...

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          • ive had this happen way to many timez here..seems like every year or two it happens..my bank always takes car of it and issues me a new card..sux tho..have to go change info where i use it on line...ive had it happen 5 er 6 times or so in past 10 er 12 yrs +

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            • now days i check my account every day pretty much.....

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              • doesnt hurt to check your account once in a while!!!

                I reviewed my account a few months ago and found out i was being charged a monthly fee from a company because i used their services once! (that fine print will get ya!)

                I contacted both the company and my credit card company and told them i only used the service once and they were decent enough to provide a refund. Theyd been charging me for like 6 months 

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              • i ordered some seeds from Nirvana this month and have had o problems but i will double check

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                • Yes, that's the key. I used to look at my statement once a month or less but now I pull it up every few days. The mofos were hitting me hard...down about 1600 before I caught it. 

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                • I wouldn't spend much time wondering where you were hacked. I have had quite a few times when things like that have happened. Your information is out there whether you know it or not. You are not liable for fraudulent charges so just have your credit card issue you a new card and you are good to go. When I owned my company back in San Antonio someone got enough information about my bank account to start writing checks from my account. They were all right under 500 dollars and they had done it for almost two weeks before we caught it. They had actually assumed the identity of some high school senior in Waco and were running this scam with his name and information. The point I am trying to make is most times these are very skilled professionals that do this for a living and who knows even what country your scammer is in. Don't sweat it. 

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                  • It happened about 2 seconds after they got your info. I have had it a couple of times, one time some one racked up over $1000 in online porn clubs, I asked if they would give me the user name and password to check it out an they never would. I have a low limit CC I use for things I buy online.

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                    • Thank you all for your responses !  Just from what you all tell me I see it’s much worse than I thought.  New card on the way. I’m on my accounts daily . Glad the CC company caught it before went through. Now the fun part changing card number on some accounts. 


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                      • Hey Grog, I've been ordering from Nirvana for 10+ years, and never ever had a problem with them and my credit card because of them (Nirvana).

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                        • i hope it will be fixed soon for you

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                          • Luckily the CC card company wouldn’t let the transaction go through.  New card arrived . Tried to think back where could have found my CC info. In todays world it could be halfway around the world or 4 miles down the road. I just don’t use the card much .  Thanks to all the members that gave me a bit of insight. Now to get down to my grow!  

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