Comment to 'Odd question '
Comment to Odd question
  • ive had this happen way to many timez here..seems like every year or two it bank always takes car of it and issues me a new card..sux tho..have to go change info where i use it on line...ive had it happen 5 er 6 times or so in past 10 er 12 yrs +

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    • now days i check my account every day pretty much.....

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      • doesnt hurt to check your account once in a while!!!

        I reviewed my account a few months ago and found out i was being charged a monthly fee from a company because i used their services once! (that fine print will get ya!)

        I contacted both the company and my credit card company and told them i only used the service once and they were decent enough to provide a refund. Theyd been charging me for like 6 months 

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