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Miracle Gro Coco Coir experiment

I generally feed my plants using General Hydroponics and get good results. 
I have heard that some indoor growers use Miracle Gro and get Great results. 
Just for kicks I’m gonna compare GH vs MG on my next grow. 
Growing in Coco Medium what ratio of MG should I use per Gallon? I intend to water/feed daily. 

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Replies (28)
    • I don't grow in Coco, but started out using Miracle Grow, back in the day.

      I got great results with a half strength to start, and increase as the plant needs it. Flush well at harvest.

      BE CAREFUL...you can get a salt build up with Miracle Grow in a hurry. Don't know the feed/ water cycle for Coco, but I would add extra plain, ph'ed water in there.

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      • What is the NPK of the MG nutrients? Won't you need separate nutrients for veg and flower or is MG an all in one nutrient for veg and flower?

        As far as feed strength, start low and ramp it up slow would me my advice. 

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        • 24-8-16 is the NPK for MG. 

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          • MG is an all in one fertilizer. However, They have a bloom fertilizer for flowering time. 

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            • Sounds good, give it a try. The only other advice about how much to feed is grab a ppm / ec meter tester. Mix a 1/2 strength sample and check ppm. You'll get different opinions on ppm, but somewhere around 600-1200 should work in veg.

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            • Thats the devils work, be afraid, be very afraid

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              • I'm with bill what's the npk and yes different npk for flower and veg!

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                • be interesting to see the results for sure

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                  • I did this very thing 5 years ago and had an excellent crop after figuring things out. Lot of salts build up and had to flush often and also had root rot but works

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                    • I'm really interested in seeing how this turns out. I have always heard to stay away from Miracle-Gro. Keep us posted 

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                      • I used Miracle Gro back in the 70's but used it as a foliar spray.

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                        • i remember when i first came here someone waz using miracle~gro and done good .....

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                          • i remember when i first came here someone waz using miracle~gro and done good .....

                            Miracle Grow has a bunch of bad chemicals in it, I try to be as organic as I can.  I don’t want to smoke chemicals, that’s one reason why I grow my own, I know what I’m getting.  Just my 2 cents….

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                            • don't under stand bad chemicals ???  should i stop using in the garden i eat what i grow and use miracle~grow  undecided  undecided  

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                              • don't under stand bad chemicals ???  should i stop using in the garden i eat what i grow and use miracle~grow  undecided  undecided  

                                I also use it on my veggie starts to get them going and for my roses and other flowers.  Sure works great for that.  It’s bad if you smoke chemicals.  Most people flush the grow before harvest to clean up whatever’s left, even with organic grows.  I didn’t mean to alarm you, I’m very pro organic.  I’m sure Miracle Grow is better than what commercial veggie farmers use.  Again just my 2cents.

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                              • Most growers will tell you to stay away from MG when growing weed but its only because its the marlboro of fertilizers aka the big guys and they do not want Miracle grow getting there foot in the door.

                                As long as you know your nutrients or NPK & you don't over feed you should be fine

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                                • Most growers will tell you to stay away from MG when growing weed but its only because its the marlboro of fertilizers aka the big guys and they do not want Miracle grow getting there foot in the door.

                                  As long as you know your nutrients or NPK & you don't over feed you should be fine

                                  That’s up to you, of course, but I’ll keep doing what works for me.  I know it’s cheaper to use, maybe that’s why some people use it.  Growing organic isn’t cheap!  

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                                • im only into dert so i cant say nuffin on coco grows...however back in the 70s an early 80s i grew outside and back then all there was to use was miracle grow kinda nutes..used to mix it up in gallon jugs..and carry it to plants..had good plants...wasnt all the hybrid mixed strains as now days tho...i think the reason some folks shy away from miracle grow is sum has times release nutes and they think it prolly is to much, but i never had issues when i used it outside back then and also now days the Soil ya get now days has a lotta extra trace elements ect in it as well as all the grow nutes now days has a lota stuff in it so it might be better but miracle grow shud do fine if you go easy on it and if thats what people can afford more power to em..GL

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                                  • This is my first grow. I have 12 plants about to be harvested. They look great. I didn't know that Miracle Grow was shunned, that is what mine are planted in. Before I knew about forums I just went to Lowe's and bought what I thought was the good stuff. Wish me well.

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                                    • I wish you well and any other grower on WP well and what’s done is done flush your plants to the end

                                      My advice forget about your experiment stick to the GH   Loose the MG to many chemicals ,use it on your roses 🌹 

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                                      • Yup, Scott’s miracle grow. 😊

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                                        • I’ve never used it myself !!


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                                          • Some day they will buy McDonald's and we will all be eating MG

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                                          • Experiments are a great thing, a bunch of us went so far as to grow Autos and found out almost none of the myths are really true except autos sucking is a cold hard fact. LOL> 

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                                            • I reached out to Scott’s for there instructions and advice in regards. This is there reply back. 

                                              Miracle-Gro water soluble plant foods are not recommended for use in hydroponic gardening. Our water soluble plant foods do not provide all the micronutrients or trace elements needed by plants and only contains nitrogen in the form of urea. Professional hydroponic growers recommend that hydroponically grown plants need nitrogen from a balance of both urea and nitrate. However, if you are unable to obtain the nutrients needed, Miracle--Gro water soluble plant foods can be used. We have not conducted any research on the use of Miracle-Gro as a hydroponics plant food, and therefore cannot offer any definitive advice on hydroponics culture.

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                                              • I appreciate you sharing that information! 

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                                              • 1 grem for 1lt  :)


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