
  • 3181
Added a comment to Green light 

I use a green led headlamp now.

Used to use the green incans off the shelf.

Sooo, you've got an Indica, and a Sativa under the same Scrog net??

Curious how that'll work for you, if the Indica finishes a month before the Sativa.

Not knocking it, just curious. Honestly, I think this is the first I've seen anyone do this.

Hope you're up for a challenge, because you may be in for one.

Beautiful, healthy plants, btw.

Sprinkle cinnamon around the stems, to prevent damping off from the overwatering.

Great news!!


Added a comment to Butter 

Lecithin helps the thc bind to the fats in the butter.

Supposed to improve absorption into the body. 

That's right! It WAS Jim.

Jim made the mistake of calling one of Pipe's plants "stretchy", which it was.

Pipeman wasn't here to be part of the community. He was here for pats on the back, to show us what a great grower he was.

And he was a great grower, but we found out he's also a shitty person.

I'm with Jim. 

For smoking, air dry, then jar cured.

For edibles, you can use wet or dry. The wet just takes longer in the oven.

 Had the same double procedure done.

Asked the doc if he was gonna push till the cameras met in the middle.

He didn't see the humor in it.  lol

 I always figured if nothing else, our "debates" would trigger others to do some research.

If for no other reason than to see which of us was right,  lol

Not saying you should.

Already gave my opinion, 50% and go from there.

CPW (RIP) could've told ya  "It's easy to torch a harvest when rushing with a new light."

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