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Who the hell was Stan? I don't remember him but yeah Sticks is gone!!

    • they are all the same in one...

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      • Stan got a "personal invitation" from Nirvana, to join the Weedportal. (He gave his email addy in his Nirvana account).

         So then he's on here bashing others, talkin shit about how great he is, and even Nirvana knows it, since he got an invite.

         i spent a whole nite, going round with his stupid ass, improving his self esteem. lol

         After that, he disappeared, thankfully. He was NOT Portal member material.

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        • I don't remember Stan but I do remember stick. Seems funny how some people have to try to impress others and end up looking like an ass.

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        • I think Rick is correct, it was the same dip shit.

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