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Weeportal ID and OD grow competition 2022

This year we will do a OD and ID grow competition.

You can start when ever you want but the ID has to be be finished 1 oct and the OD has to be finished 1 nov.

You can use any strain of any seedbank of choice to enter also it does not matter if your choice is autoflower or photoperiod, same rules apply for this competition.

you can post your grow pictures in here whenever you want offcourse.

At the end you select the best 3 pics and post them *i will start a different post by then where you can post the pictures* and the people can vote who has the best grow at the end of the year.

The prices :

3 packs of choice for the indoor winner BUT he/she has to give 1 pack away to a random person (can be a friend or a random person on weedportal) and the same goes for the outdoor contest, 3 packs of choice for the winner BUT the winner has to give 1 pack away to another person (once again it can be a friend or a random person on wp)

Even tho its not much its better then nothing

And last but not least : Offcourse it would be nice to know what you are growing so if you post pictures do include the name of the strain in case people would be intrested to grow that strain themselfs (no matter what seedbank)


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Comments (102)
  • The original post : Weeportal ID and OD grow competition 2022 (weedportal.com)

    We are gonna vote this week and all i see in posts is ppl bitching about how ppl can cheat and that they can put indoor plants outdoor and that suddenly new ppl quickly made an account to join in etc etc... its a gentlemen sport peeps, not a karin goes wild sport so please keep it fun for everyone :)

    And if people want to cheat, i hope they feel good doing it but it wont give you any respect from the wp community i can tell you :)



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    • The original post : Weeportal ID and OD grow competition 2022 (weedportal.com)

      We are gonna vote this week and all i see in posts is ppl bitching about how ppl can cheat and that they can put indoor plants outdoor and that suddenly new ppl quickly made an account to join in etc etc... its a gentlemen sport peeps, not a karin goes wild sport so please keep it fun for everyone :)

      And if people want to cheat, i hope they feel good doing it but it wont give you any respect from the wp community i can tell you :)



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      • this waz going 2 b fun and FREE now there is a cloud over the whole competition if there is another i will not enter again !!!!  this waz no fun ...

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        • thats because i know what plants he posted, he did not read and just posted his pictures, those plants were grown a few years ago, he took a break and he will grow soon again but those pics are really old pics

          you can find his youtube channel over here : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfeSIsdhG4HEEbUPvEmXBBA

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          • you should have entered ChAs420! you have great grows and great pics! I didnt have my shit together so im not entered

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            • ok thx Jim

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            • Did I miss something Kinger ? What cloud ?

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              • Well said my brotha! 

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                • Who the hell was Stan? I don't remember him but yeah Sticks is gone!!

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                  • He was the guy that bought seeds by the 1000's and had Male plants Hermi. I think RbtAsq ran him off. As much as I would like to give the credit to Screw Stick for the other one leaving, I think it was a group effort sort of like when the town ran off Frankenstin

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                  • I guess my entry wasn’t up to snuff. 🤣 I didn’t even make the the list of contestants. 

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                    • At the end of the day, we know who brings what to the table and personally I admire what you bring!

                      Forget about the free packs of seeds cause where you come from, the seeds and quality are second to none! Grow on brotha!

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                    • @ The Old Man, Stan was the best grower in the world, just ask him !! He had the whole "east coast" buyin his weed...he,he,he !! He was just a dude that pushed some people the wrong way. As much as I love WP, you have to come on board kindda easy, or you can get ganged up on . TBS, he deserved it !!   

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