
  • 2310

Would love that!  You and many of the others have been a great help!  Let me know, I work for myself so have a pretty flexible schedule!!

Work is about 18 min and home is about 45.  

Added a comment to the garden 

Head up buddy!  One foot in front of the other, the garden will be back to normal before you know it.  

Hope it helps King!! If you need anything up your way, I’m happy to help.

Added a comment to Prayers 

It’s really bad, had tons of locals doing what we do but now the feds are coming in wanting a handout and not offering any help.  Actually blocking the help people are trying to give

I’ve used that line and was very happy with it.  Typically use it when I run some autos   

Added a comment to N.C. 

It’s a strong type of people that live in NC. I’m sure they will overcome this and make it better than it was before!

Added a post 

Full organic dirt and nutes on this one.  Almost walked myself in a hole by not changing my ph from veg to flower, but got some help just in time. Blue headband is super frosty and the maple leaf is swelling nicely!! 

bh is first pic


maple in second

That’s great!  My Scrog grow is coming to the end and forgot how much I love using it. Pretty work Cake, thanks for the post and help with keeping up with our friends on here!!💪

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BigSarge Discussions
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Newbie Question of the day... Plant is last one from my first grow, had cal mag deficiency once and …
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  •  · thanks for the share chubby good info !!!
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Anybody else try to click on a few of these posts lately and get an Access Denied message?   Really …
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  •  · Mine does that too mostly when I’m not logged in.

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