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I noticed when I use my PH pen in the bucket I will shake the pen in the water and it will change the reading a little sometimes by .5.  My question is when I shake the pen is this giving me a false reading? Should I be keeping the pen still when reading PH? OR is this this because I have a cheap PH pen. Thanks

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Replies (15)
    • i think it just does it. i have two blue lab handheld and a blue lab guardian and they all do the same thing. so i do mine once its sitting still in the res.

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      • My Hanna does the same thing. I just let it settle a minute, after I stir it around, to see if it's stable.

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        • mine does the same thing how long does it take 2 get a reading mine will shut off b 4 i get a reading .....

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          • Mine does the same I just let it settle down after a couple of shakes and go by that...

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            • Ok sounds unanimous thanks everyone.

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              • Are you running an air stone & pump and is the probe over top we’re the bubbles float up.

                that will cause your readings to jump around too.

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                • No air stone but good point thanks J

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                • Dip that dude 4.01 see what it says, then dip it in 6.86. You know what that 250 ml distilled water and powder is supposed to be .  Calibration is key.iwant :6..5-5.5 ph.  Your as only as good as your meter and a good close Calibration I know bubbling my tap water Raises the ph. To around 8 I would think then add generl hydroponics flora trio. Some calcium and magnesium 

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                  • Very good point I don't do it nearly as often as I should. Thanks Blue

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                  • I think they all do that.

                    0 0 0 0 0 0
                    • Right on, thanks

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                    • 3 in 1 Water Quality Multi-Parameter pH EC Temperature Meter Tester Monitor Sensor Probe Test Kit ATC Waterproof Black-Light for Aquariums Hydroponics Laboratory Pool Spa Drinking Water https://a.co/d/84ebrVg

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                      • Sorry I was just trying to put up a fucking link.

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                        • I think you want the probe in the solution to be tested with as much contact with the probe as possible.  Your not testing the airs ph. Your testing the solutions ph. That's how I was told stir it gently to remove any air that is trapped around the probe, then allow it to stabilize. 

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                          • Yes they all do it.  Sorry just saw this.  I use Blue Lab ppm and ph pens growers tool box they have been working great for over a year now.  Only problem is the blue lab ph pen I had to change batteries and stripped the screws I guess it's a weird size idk

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