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day 20 from sprout and for me it really seems way too slow and I  think I have a problem. What do you think? Plant 1 out of 2 

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Replies (14)
    • Cough..ruderalis

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      • More information would help (strain, medium, lighting, feed, temp etc.). The plant looks healthy so first thing I think of is low temp. What is the temp in your grow area?

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        • temps , rh , how you water and air flow over the plant . Microbial powders (recharge) .5 things for root growth. looks like overwatering in seedling stage. Like Bill59 said need more info.  Grow area size, RH, How do you water and how often, medium,  what are you using for air circulation and how are you using it? What Nutrients? What Strain? Auto or photo plant? I am assuming AF is autoflower.

          It looks partially healthy looks like a little clawing on the leaves. (overwatering).

          Remember we learn from mistakes and thus educates us to become better growers. So don't give up! And when you think you have it down right Mother nature sometimes throws nice screwballs at ya. lol Oh the hobby of growing. 

          Good luck with your grows.


          2 0 0 0 0 0
          • At my age , growing is my mistress. 


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          • The OG Kush Autos i ran started off kinda small too! not unlike this. I got nearly 4 ounces out of one plant so dont worry so much. give them plenty of light and dont over do things

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            • If I get 1 oz. per plant I will be happy . 4 oz's per will be my new goal . One step at a time .


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              • yeah! it was quite a good sized plant! i hope to reproduce that much with every plant. i count my blessings!

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              •  I would think that one is busy building roots in all that space it has. It looks healthy

                1 0 0 0 0 0
                • just cause the ad said it takes X amount of days doesnt mean the plant is gonna follow the rules. this plant may take 4 months or more!

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                  • Seems to be happy , probably saving energy for the stress in it's future .


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                    •  TOO add --  use a good root stimluator, consider using in seedling, and veg stages - have some very good examples of: here are a few (Great White, Orca, King Crab, Home&Gardening as a very good one (chemical) KLM rooting  compound (Dyna-Gro)  (sample pack of nutrients $15.00 (5 bottles of) or Elementral nutrients which has 3  products (sample pack $10.00) it's a myco based nutrient (recommend) their bloom boosters are rated in top 10 sitmulators (organic)    Happy Rooting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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                      • what sucks is we will never know what the problem was for certain. You should have used this as a learning lesson. might have turned out fine, who knows?

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                        • why don't u try rapid start at this stage of the plants life ???

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                          • To ChAs and CPW, Quit liking the OLD Sub posts !!! You made me think he was back ! You guys are funny !! 

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