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Outside Growers Question

Why do you do this to yourselves? Its tough enough to know when to harvest based on Trichomes but you have fit all that in with the weather. It looks kind a close but probably another 2 weeks and its supposed to rain for the next 3 days, what do you do? I will wrap a plant in a tarp or put a bag over it but I am afraid that will promote bud rot. I will not build a tent over an outside plant. 

So seriously, what do you outside growers do? 

2nd question, do you think they are breeding plants more for indoor growth so they have weakened them to the point they cant do well in what the climate has changed to or is this just a string of bad luck for growing outside? 



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Replies (24)
    • a lot of times the breeders will have descriptions saying if the strains are pest resistant or not...meaning outside pests like molds ect...people can shake the plants after rains and heavy dews...helps if plants are where they get good breezes too..yeah a lot are bred for inside grows i think too

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      • Well hats off to the outside growers for sure

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        • I do see the warnings about inside or outside grows but I buy seeds to grow inside so I dont pay much attention. Its kind of funny growing inside used to be a bitch, now its the  other way around  

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        • Morning sun is also very helpful. The earlier the dew is gone the better.

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          • BR is nothing new ..TBS it's more of a prob these days, than it was say 30 years ago. It definitely has something to do with genetics ! Most seeds these days are bred by ID growers for ID growers, where the environment can be totally controlled. I've found that if you plant later OD, say in June, your plants are less prone to BR . It seems the bigger the plant the more prone it is to BR . Also there are a few good strains that are BR resistant. Air movement is the most important factor when trying to combat BR. I've had big fans on plants OD before. Have you ever played a round of golf somewhere and on the back 9 there's a hole that sits way down in a holler, with trees all around it, and they've installed big fans to increase air movement. Those are there to prevent various fungus from reproducing and wiping the green out !! OD growers are few, and far between these days. Peace 

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            • Hoop house is mans gift to outdoor growing. Allows for proper ventilation but keeps the moisture off. No lightbulb out there is going to outperform the SUN. Growing outdoors builds character. 👍

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              • I the next 2 years I am going to build a garage with a flat roof where I have the 2 plants at now and I will start with a Hoop on the roof and see how it goes.

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              • What up DP, Hoop house/greenhouse growin to me, is not what I consider OD growing. You're right it is the best of both worlds though ! OD growin is a lot of different things like stealthiness, hard physical work, timing, experience, surveillance , counter surveillance, and workin with Mother Nature. That's why OD growers are a dwindling group !! BUT...when you get those few plants that give you 1-2 lbs. of grade AAA dank the investment is all worth it. I've got a buddy that swears you can't grow grade AAA dank OD, I'm about ready to prove him WRONG !!! he,he,he Peace
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                • My climate is always hot , in spring it rains most days , If I don't cover my plants they will beat down to the ground . Most times in spring I go out when the rain starts and cover them , a real pain and very time consuming , ( worth it though ) . I get my heart broken every season . At this time of year ( harvest in Oct. ) I have some early plants that mature . I don't do anything special . When it rains , let it rain . At this time of year my plants are really resilient . They have withstood hurricanes . Minimal loss of bud .  



                  Master Kush survives hurricanes real well . That should answer the second part of your question . Peace !!! 


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                  • Only the extremely stubborn can grow weed outside in Maine, Germans and Scandinavians mostly, LOL. 

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                    • Now that's funny !!!


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                    • I am growing outside, 15 plants, I thought that it was a lot less hassle than growing inside. This is my first year so I have no comparison.

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                      • first grow? amazing! congratulations. The biggest advantage of growing indoors is you have control over the whole thing! humidity, temp, insect problems, inclement weather, cops, nosy neighbors.

                        two words ive learned that are very important in growing: Control and Patience

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                        • Controlling your patience is a big part of it too, lol

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                        • I’m sure where your location is plays into it if your growing in Oregon or California dryer weather better growing conditions 

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                          • I am in the mountains of Western North Carolina

                            0 0 0 0 0 0
                            • You’ve got some good company up there!!

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                            • LOL   another Tarheel!!!

                              0 0 0 0 0 0
                              • Because you're a "foreigner" from up north!  lol

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                                • Actually No matter where I go I am not from there it seems. I spent a 3rd of my life in the south, another 3rd on the west coast and it will probably be 1/3 up here before its over. I was telling that to someone at work recently and they got a real concerned look on their face and asked how I know what football team to follow. When I told them I dont follow football I think he decided I was from another planet and walked away. 

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                                  • Hey hey hey.  Lol, there are other teams here other than the Tar Heels….🤮. 

                                    Go Duke!!!

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                                  • New York high humidity and heat great for breeding bugs and bud rot!!! 

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                                    • Born and raised in the Bronx was a blast growing up there 30yrs ago now it’s a big pile of shit sorry but it’s frustrating to see what it is today. We would have Christmas parties and people would come in we didn’t even know including a drunk Santa now you can’t eat outside without randomly getting attacked. What a shame

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