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Sick Seedlings

Hey people , these were brought to me with hopes of bringing them back to health. From waht my friend told me , they've been through pure torture . First of all , they were transplanted too early because  second set of leaves started turning yellow. They were started in a Pro-Mix petlite solo cup. Then put into a 5 gallon air pot with Coco and perlite. I don't know much more than that . Oh... they're 5 weeks old. All I know to do , is let the Coco dry out a bit and wait. What kinda lighting should I give them ? Water or feed ? Help me guys.


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Replies (13)
    • if they are in coco they should be fed a couple times a day.you never want your coco to dry out.just feed until a little run off. feeding gives it oxygen to the roots.gl


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      • as far as light what kind of lighting are you using now for them? 

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        • Spiderdog has a great answer. If you are in coco then you have to provide all nutrients to the plant because the coco doesn't have any. Definitely don't let the coco dry out. 

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          • If that is coco coir, it is way too dry, and I dont see any cuts in the bottom to let the water out. Are they autoflowers?  

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            • They look fried to me ! Transplant and add some mycos and water only for a week, then see what they look like . No drainage is a big no no too.  

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              • All I have done so far is flush them and gave them some Rapid Start and Cal Mag. ( light doses ) I'm using my Vipar Spectra XS 2000 , about 3 feet away and turned down to about 40 lux on the meter. I'm thinking nute lock out ? You see , I don't know

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                • Cant be nute lock with just rapid start and Cal/Mag, but what is the PH when you water/feed? 

                  If they are autoflowers I would cut my losses, if they are photoperiods I would take the challenge to learn from and report your friend to C2CP  cruelty to cannabis plants.  

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                • You've got a combination of good answers here.

                  First you need drainage

                  Second rapid Start and cal mag alone is not enough to feed.

                  Third your coco is dry as fuck! You should be feeding once a day in solo cups and you should get into the habit of lifting them cups every day to see if they need to be fed.




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                  • I would also take Chubb's suggestions and transplant with what ever root stimulator you use and bury main stalks 


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                    • I'm gonna put them back in solo cups with some Recharge and see what happens . Thanks people, Gonna start all over.

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                      • I would flush with water ph down to 6.5-6.  And add good drainage. Cut the cups on the bottom. 

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                        • How are they today? 

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                          • If they are auto-flowers, cut your losses. If they are photo's get them out and put them in 1-gallon pot's with miracle grow potting soil. It has enough nutrients to pull them back to where they should be. Then put them in what ever medium you want to use.  

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