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For the first 2 weeks atleast you need to provide plants with 6000K+ or maybe 5600K. Hps you can turn on after it reaches 6 inches or more. Thats a no brainer .. Try a simple white LED bulb , you dont have to turn off the HPS just stick it next to current light.

I had it on 3500K warm white for 3-4 weeks same like you ,and nothing was happening.Switched out to a 20W LED bulb it was 7500K spectrum, and i got a massive plant in under 1 week.

    • seriously plant don't care that much about the spectrum .... they can grow vigorously either with a cool or a warm spectrum in veg i have grown for years plant in veg with an HPS and they don't give a damn

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      • Let’s just say for now that these bulbs just do not have the juice anymore. I mean, you can look at 3 bulbs directly and it doesn’t hurt my eyes anymore. I appreciate the heads up about the soil. Mind you, can I repot this in a different soil if the lights aren’t the answer to my problem?

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