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@ CPW if you get hung up with too many amps you can go to 220v. I always ran my lights HPS,MH,LED's on a 220 circuit so the amps for every thing else are freed up and sufficient with 110v . And I ain't no electrician. It also helps with peace of mind knowing if the 110 breaker trips, the lights will still work. We've all been there !

    • And use a "Little Gray Box" hot water heater timer.

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      • Yeah Rbt, I used a little gray box when I was runnin  MH/HPS, but when I bought my LED's and they were already wired for 110v, I had to go with a converter. I found one  that had 4 plug ins that fit the 110 plugs. It works great ! 

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        • The LED's I bought will run on 220v and eventually I will get to that or maybe in the next room I build.  I need to add the grey box for sure

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