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Added a comment to Autos 

Totally agree and experienced the same results with that day/night temp.  Use to think my tent was in the low 80s in the day, but then hung my thermometer at the canopy and it was high 80s almost 90.  Bit the bullet and finally turned on the wall unit that i had installed in the grow room for controlling the temp in the first place and viola. Got the temps down to 79 during the day and like 68-9 at night. The best grow I ever had, straight up fire, the buds were super dense, like I use to think those people that had those moon rock buds were using a press, na, they just got their environment dialed in.  Waiting on this next run to see if the temp thing holds true.  I'll know because the strain I am running I have run with whacked temps.  I ran some auto's and they hermed, now i'm thinking it was because of the temps for sure, I know I don't have light leaks.  So yea take care with temps on auto's, at least from my limited experience.  Good luck and stay lifted.

maybe a bloom booster?  i'm doing the flora series and I incorporate the liquid kool bloom during flower as per feed chart.  i'm not a hydro guy, but do grow in coco, just thinking 6.3 might be a lil high for hydro?  i do 6.1 on the upper limit and the plants love it.  I just double checked hydro ph nute chart, and it does appear that 6.3 would make Phosphorus unavailable.  which at this stage of your grow would be bad.Growing Marijuana Nutrient Chart - General Hydroponics Flora series | Grow  Weed Easy

I use their aggressive feed schedule. 6 part, except I don't use the floralicious. 

Added a comment to ethos love  

Looking nice man.  I got some White Wedding RBX and some Planet of the Grapes about to finish up.  The genetics looks to be fire, hands down the best grow i've ever done.  The frost is gonna get super thick like trichs on top of trichs, your gonna be super happy, these are day 54 from flip.  From left to right, Planet of the Grapes, White Wedding and the 2 plants in the tent.    Happy growing man.

No apologies man.  Keeping you my thoughts brother.

weeeeee!  thats what i said too.

Added a comment to Green root 

I like to use the clears to see the roots, but they go inside of a solid red one to keep light off roots.

Added a post 

DP805 Congrats man (assuming you are a dude)!!!!!!

Are u fucking kidding me?  I always joke with my friends, that if we get recreational, i'm gonna put a 10 ft plant in my front yard.  That is amazing.  

I had initially asked what media?   But I re-read and see you are just starting to try and root them in a solution.   I think it is like you think, it's just trying to root and pulling from leaves possibly.  Initially I thought it looked like the start of cal/mag def.

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Hi Portal, been awol for minute.  Hope everyone is well.  Need some help identifying what this spott…
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  •  · Are you using perlite or something to allow air in to the roots? 

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