This happened to my husband one time when we had dried out for a month. Then we got our hands on some Girl Scout Cookies and after the 4th or 5th toke my husband's eyes started to roll around in his head and he passed out for a few seconds and then was just disoriented and shaky for a while. When he slithered to the floor and when he had something solid under him he started to feel better. We were all worried there for a little while but he recovered and no more heeby jeebies after that. But then, we haven't dried out for a month since that time either.
Thanks for the welcome and I agree LED's have reduced our electric bill enormously. I'll never go back to when I could hear my electric meter before seeing it fly around and around! Lol!
Fans, dehumidifiers and AC's are all good. Try to keep the air moving top and bottom. I've also used Banish at the first sign of powdery mildew and it took care of those white spots pretty quick.
Thank you Subterranean, yes, I think it's a combination of things. I just didn't realize how linked everything is when it comes to getting the results you want.
You're right RbtAsq, we grew a sativa strain for many years from the mating of two unknown strains and we got seed. Boy did we get seed! We still have a bunch left but they are probably too old to grow now.All the buds off those harvests were light and airy. I believe it was Chemdog (a hybrid) that ended up producing those light airy buds under the LED's. Today I noticed the LED bank is completely out and it's replacement can't get here fast enough!
I've been an indoor gardener for around 11+ years and have just discovered that the lower the wattage of light in my flower room makes the buds on my plants lighter and airier. I say this because at first we grew 4 plants under 800W HPS and MH switching between grow and flower stages and always harvested light airy buds but so much of it we never complained. One time we saved some high quality seed from a bag of flower and managed to get a female and it was deformed and stressed out because of the low wattage and the heat those lights put out but it grew the densest nuggets I've ever grown. So then, since the quality of seed had something to do with the buds density, we managed to get our hands on a lot of good quality seeds. We grew those plants under a new lighting system consisting of 2 banks of 2000W led grow lights. Every harvest after that we had dense high quality bud. Last harvest though, I noticed one of my led banks was 1/2 out throughout that flowering session and the result was a harvest of light airy buds. I'm guessing that light wattage has a lot to do with light airy buds somehow and the quality of seed matters too. I wonder what other growers have experienced and what they think.
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That would be my biggest question. When did it malfunction and how long was it before the plants started exhibiting that veg cycle? I worry about this a lot!