- · 154 friends
i toke a small bud off S S H and dried it and mama and myself smoke it scared the hell out of me mama's blood pressure dropped really low she waz n really bad shape i had 2 carry her back 2 her room a cold sweat really pale no more haze 4 her i thought it's great ...
· Hulk
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Low blood pressure is really bad I hope she feels better.
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· Hulk
· king
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thanks guys she said she did not want no more of that that is a first 4 her i am glad don't know if i can take that again !!!
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· king
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Low blood pressure and low blood sugar can be scary, get her to a Doctor for a check up just in case.
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· Texasbob
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That happens to my wife too sometimes. It can be scary. I have the opposite problem, my BP tends to get higher when I get high.
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· Hulk
In reply to
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I think that’s pretty normal, I made my mom do a dab of concentrate and she was stuck in my porch for 2 hours thinking she might have to go to ER man I felt like crap she has smoked for 40 years but those dabs are no joke
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· Hulk
· Texasbob
· Smoky McPot
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This happened to my husband one time when we had dried out for a month. Then we got our hands on some Girl Scout Cookies and after the 4th or 5th toke my husband's eyes started to roll around in his head and he passed out for a few seconds and then was just disoriented and shaky for a while. When he slithered to the floor and when he had something solid under him he started to feel better. We were all worried there for a little while but he recovered and no more heeby jeebies after that. But then, we haven't dried out for a month since that time either.
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· Smoky McPot