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Measuring Nute Strength and Components

Is there a meter or way to measure how much N,P,& K are in water? There seems to be lots of soil testing kits but I have not found any for water at any price

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Replies (21)
    • you are making me dizzy 🤣🤣 ..Just kidding bro ... I don't know of any . Would make it easier to know what your plants are up taking..(each component ) 

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      • My plant in the dwc died.uggh, It is all good Never Stop Trying ... I have two more in rockwool now Will move them over this weekend to the 5 gallon bucket.. They are doing really well Right now lol

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        • sorry you lost it.i always had great success in dwc. now i do coco since its  like hydro.

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          • My RDWC growth rate and yeild is off the charts and the system is easier to maintain than DWC. DWC is good but I get the same growth rate and yeild from Coco Coir with less maintenance and risk. That said DWC if a really fun way tp grow and a great way to learn about roots. 

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          • would be a hell of allot easier if you could tell what they are using the most of. Then you could counter it and not have to wait until symptoms show in the leaves.

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            • The % of nutes N-P-K will be on the label. By mixing the nutes, you dilute, and determine the % the new mix contains. Here's everything ... https://www.omnicalculator.com/biology/water-soluble-fertilizer#water-soluble-fertilizer-a-guide-to-the-label

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              • Folks what I am looking for is what is in the reservoir after part of it has been consumed. 70 gallon system is down 12 gallons so what’s NPK at that point. I can tell by the ppm’s it’s not a 12% reduction in nutrients. 

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                • Yes there is a meter you can buy to measure the nutrient strength in water. There called ppm / EC meters and there very cheap.

                  If you are wanting a specific nutrient % reading though, you’ll need to have the water tested and usually there’s a place in each town that tests water for drinking but they’ll test any water if your willing to pay (You could end up having to have it sent off for testing if your town doesn’t offer those services).

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                  • Joshua is right. Im surprised youre not familiar with ppm meters. we used to use the Blue Lab Truncheon. Goes for about $120.00   you can even measure the parts per million of tap water versus distilled

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                    • Are youy kidding me? They make a meter to to measure PPM's, damn whats next, a meter to measure PH? If only I had 3 or 4 of each. LOL

                      I dont get whats so confusing about the question so lets try a word problem, everyone likes word problems.

                      On Monday 10/31 Sally, wearing a pink halter top and bib overalls, filled the res with 72 gallons of water and added nutrients to the combined NPK of 10-17-34 and the PPM is 1109. 

                      Today on 11/11 and Billy Bob, wearing biboveralls, a tee shirt from Laconia Bike Week in 2012 and the pink halter under that, checks and the PPM is 1403 and the res has dropped 14 gallons. What is the NPK % of the water remaining in the res after he adds the 14 gallons? It wont be back at 1109 because because some nutrients have been consumed and there and probably root particles and bacteria shit. 

                      This is what I want to know, to find the NPK I need a meter becasue N + P + K=1403 is not enough information to find the variables. 

                      Now if you dont have the answer then just wish me a Happy Birthday. Turned 61 today,



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                      • Happy Belated Birthday.

                        I doubt it is worth the expense to you but you might take it to a lab or look into an ultraviolet spectrophotometer.

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                        • thanks 

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                        • Y'all aint diggin the question.

                          Ok, we know, based on the bottle labels, how much NPK are in FRESH nutes.

                          The question is, after a week of the plant using nutes outta the reservoir, what is the NPK in the res NOW.

                          PPM meters give a grand total, not a break down of how much of each is there.

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                          • Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

                            You and I are on the same page...... and that should scare the hell out of us both

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                            • I put too much effort and $ into the bacteria culture to just toss it every 2 weeks just becasue, and the way plants drink in flower there must be a way to balance what I top off. So far a good WAG is working if I use the sap PH to best guess what the plant needs more or less of but I would like to be more percise.

                              I found this its a decent explanation of where I am going with this

                              For pH<6.4, consider if there is a need for Ca, Mg, K, or Na. For pH>6.4, consider possible need for phosphates or sulfates. If the proper elements are selected and applied, the Brix reading will increase and the pH will go to the desired area of approximately 6.4.
                              * EC, measured with the Cardy Twin EC Meter, indicates the level of simple ion uptake into the plant sap. With low Brix crop, if sap EC is too low, elements are not being made available to the plant. Look at the EC of soil/water extract (or ERGS) and take appropriate steps to correct the condition. If sap EC is too high, elements or ions are not being "complexed" and ions such as nitrate nitrogen may be at excessive levels.

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                            • im glad im not a number chaser!  lol

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                              • If I had your green thumb I probably wouldn’t be either or maybe it’s the German side of me. I did find some test strips that may work 

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                                • KISS !!!

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                                  • You dont know me at all do you

                                    0 0 0 0 0 0
                                  • Nah, that would be boring as hell like growing autos

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