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Final Weight

Just curious about how many of you weigh your harvest? How long do you cure before you take your final weight? 

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Replies (11)
    • I don't weigh, but my harvests are usually 7-10 quart jars 2/3 full per 1 plant (I only need to grow one at a time) after drying. Cures usually take about a month to six weeks until I'm satisfied with with the flavor/smell.

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      • Here is my latest harvest, after drying.

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        • This last run was the first one I did not weigh but I usually get close to a lb sometimes less sometimes more.

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          • How long do you cure before you take your final weight?

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          • I have not weighed my grows in a while but that is an intresting question on how much weight do they loose in the cure. I usually weighed it as I put it in jars and it was common for the jars to weigh less over time because I tend to sneak a taste here and there. And these days I have some still curing from 2 years ago

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            • I was curious what everyone else does. I have never worried about weight I usually gage my grow by how many jars I fill but I got a scale for when I make edibles so it is interesting to see how much a plant weighs. 

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            • thats an interesting question. once my plants are dry i weigh the buds out and they go into either a freezer bag or Mason jars. im sure buds dry up a bit more in the curing process, resulting in slightly less weight. 

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              • See that's what I was wondering. I really have no reason to weigh my grows other than curiosity but if I cure and weigh after 7 days I will have quite a bit more than if I cure for 10 or 12 days before I weigh so I was wondering if there was a rule of thumb for it.

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              • come to think of it I usually weigh each plant but then I forget unless it’s more than 2.5 ounces one day would like to hit the 4 zip per plant but I’m a ways off from that.

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                • That is one of the reasons for this question. I have only weighed one plant and that was my Maui and when I put it into jars I was at 4.2. With that being said maybe I should have trimmed it a little tighter or maybe I should have cured it a little longer but that plant was fatter than a suma wrestler. 

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                • Ive noticed my concern with weight varies depending on the grow. On a good one I want to know how good… on the not so good, well its all for personal, who cares about weight anyway :)  When I have weighed I did think my weight on dried and trimmed buds seemed a little lower than some reported online but I write that off to differing ways of weighing.  On a typical short veg (4 weeks) speed run the average indoors would be around 1.5 – 3.5 oz per plant, with a few outliers a bit above or below.  Still fairly new to the great outdoors with much more mixed results (not even counting any disaster… I mean experiment with autos), again thoroughly dry, neatly trimmed and ready to jar…anywhere from just under 3oz to just over one lb.

                  ;) Pure volume is great but there are many other measures of success. Many little 3 foot, single cola, quick grow, 2 oz  plants produce buds that can be just as (if not more) sweet/sour and strong as anything produced, with many more risks, in twice the time, on some outdoor monster!     

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