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Crossing Nirvana's Original Glue regular seeds to GG Strains Original Glue S1's

Hi everyone,

I'm interested in crossing Nirvana's Original Glue regulars to some GG Strains Original Glue S1's and was wondering if anyone has compared Nirvanas version to legitimate Gorilla Glue #4 plants? I've researched grow diaries and YouTube videos and Nirvana's version looks pretty good I just haven't had the time or space to grow a pack or two out yet. Any input would be appreciated, thanks and cheers!


Picture of the last GG#4 S1 feminized I grew.

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Replies (13)
    • Beautiful plant there Robert! Welcome to weedportal

      0 0 0 0 0 0
      • Thanks, I appreciate it!

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        • Welcome to the Weedportal ! I've not had the chance to try out the GG Strains S1 yet but i have it on my must grow list . this coming jan /early Feb i'll try running them likely. i've got 4 Nirvana orig. glues that just popped 18 days ago going now though . but i do wanna run a couple GG O.Glue S1's at the last of my winter indoor grow [ clones for my summer outdoor run ]

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          • Awesome, I'll definitely be following their progress.

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            • Hey Rob! Welcome to the portal! That is a beautiful plant! I have nothing to add with crossing strains but there are a lot of great growers here that should have some input. 

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              • Hey man I'm also Bob and from Texas but living in Massachusetts now, cheers! 

                p.s. any Roadkill Skunk seeds or cuts happening?

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                • Lol me too! I'm stuck up here in New England. 

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                • What up Ponce De Leon, Beautiful donkey you got there bruh . “Road Kill Skunk”,  Regular Seeds,,, Reeferman Genetics.  Peace

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                  • When did Nirvana start selling original glue in regular? I’ve done there Feminized glue before an it’s pretty good man.

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                    • I bought these from either Seed-City or Seedsman in early 2020. I try and get matching sets of feminized and regulars, Regulars are getting harder to find period, lots of breeders only sell feminized now. 

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                      • Rocket ship , to the moon alice , dated phrase


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                        • Nice grow that's big and delicious looking! Here my outdoor grow it's almost done!

                          0 0 0 0 0 0
                          • That looks like the spaceship NASA is trying to launch. Damn near the same size too. 

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