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Bags For Storing Weed

I read on the last WP someone was storing and claimed to be curing weed in a bag of some sort. Does anyone know what they are? Cvaults and Jars take up too much space and I dont know if the cure continues on in a vacuum sealed bag. Maybe I should just leave them in the curing buckets and keep pumping air in there once a day. I am really starting to prefer the long term cure of 6 months or more.

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Replies (21)
    • I hear ya on the 6 mo cure ! The weed definitely gets better ! 

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      • Wouldn't an air tight bag work just as well, if kept in the dark?

        Still gotta burpem, I'm guessing.

        1 gallon freezer bags would stack neatly out of the way somewhere, I'm sure.

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        • That should work, I guess totes and buckets will too. I can just keep the auto burping going so I dont forget

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        • If you grow a bunch you're forced to come up with some creative ideas to cure. Tubs come in all sizes, and with lids, they work well too. They still need burped ! Moisture can be added with a moist towel. 

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          • I like the 2, 3 and 5 gallon buckets with the auto burping, I thought there was something specifically made for storage

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            • t a quick Google search and found this,I'm sure there's a lot more. https://grovebags.com/cannabis-curing-storage-mold-prevention/


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              • Cool thanks, Google is the smartest invention since the thermos. I do kind of miss going to the library to do research but would take a day and and the LA and San Diego Library's were full of homeless people so it was entertaining.  

                A coworker asked me the other day what are the best tools for mechanical design. I said the experience of other coworkers, especially the ones that make the stuff and Google to help weed out who is full of it when your not sure. LOL.  

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              • YouTube is also another very good resource.

                Tons of Weed videos !

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                • CPW some have a hard life like u 2 much and 2 little  .....

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                  • I use Grove bags. They work. They do everything that they are advertised to do. They are cheap, don't take up much room, are reusable, and don't need to be burped.

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                    • I am testing a couple now. Do you heat seal yours?

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                      • I have not heat sealed them. I started using them in September 2021 ( my first grow ) Them do not let light in or smell out. I don't know how they burp themselves, I am not sure why people heat seal them. I also use a temp. and relative humidity gauge in each bag. Mine have been curing almost 4 months and the flavor is still continuing to increase. I can not find a better and easier way to cure weed.  The Grove bags really work and and actually are cheaper and way more efficient. Best if luck (really no luck to it) Let me know how they work out for you.

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                        • The bag said to vacuum seal it for the best results.  For curing I have buckets that I pump air into twice a day and it works great but right now my buckets are full so I need someplace else to store it. C-vaults dont really work that well long term, the buds turn brown, in the buckets with the air going it twice a day they stay nice and green. 

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                        • I used 1 gallon ziplock bags, they worked great and I use for storage too.

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                          • Vacuum sealed bags work well also 

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                          • nothing magic about mason jars. ive been using large freezer bags lately and keeping my buds in the freezer with great results. results meaning color and smell. I like to use 2 bags to avoid any freezer smells but i will take a bag out and smoke a few nugs out of each one just to sample them and they seem to be real fresh and green. Try it for yourself with and ounce in a mason jar and an ounce in a freezer/zip lock bag!!  laughing

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                            • I have had good luck with the freezer bags also but after my wife showed me how to seal them its suddenly my job. Thats usually how I put things off on her, I guess she was paying closer attention than I thought. In her head its my hobby so I end up with all the work, the fact she smokes more than weed than a CA wildfire never seems to come up.

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                            • I can understand the idea of pumping air into the containers which would be similar to the burping, which apparently has to be done. But heat sealing the bag, would in my opinion, end the ability to burp. Somehow the Grove bags burp themselves. I think that I am missing something,

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                              • I have no idea how it works but I will try curing some in a grove bag next time. Ignorant bliss is sometimes for the best.

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                                • Please let us know what you find out.

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                                  • You bet

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