Joe Ruiz

  • 1553
Discussions by Joe Ruiz
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Looks like the leaf tips are slightly curving upwards with a little burnt end starting to form. This…
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  •  · good plan! let the budz bulk up as much as u can
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Hey everyone. I have 2 autos. On the left is blue dream and on the right is Gelato. I'm using the 2 …
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  •  · Ok.. here are some updated pics from today. I added some training clips so they can start bushing ou…
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2 females in the same hydro system. I've been flushing for at least 2 weeks. Should I harvest the fe…
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  •  · If they looked like that in Aug, I bet they look like ash now. LOL
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Ok guys, Nirvana support emailed me back on my freebie seeds I won. I just need a little help on whi…
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  •  · I have one of the Chem Dog CBD auto's growing now in my Auto pot experiment- 3 auto's in a 2x4. Very…
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Since this is my very 1st grow, I just wanted some advice on what you think is going on? and what wo…
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I grew this plant from one of the freebie seeds Nirvana sent me with my order about 5 years ago. Can…
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  •  · Well yesterday I changed their light schedule to 12/12.. I'll post a pic of my 4 plants. 2 on the ri…