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Not sure if they are ready for harvest

2 females in the same hydro system. I've been flushing for at least 2 weeks. Should I harvest the female with the burnt looking leaves? I'm also growing the same strain in dirt.. I'll post pics of my plants...

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Replies (11)
    • 0 0 0 0 0 0
      • take a look at the tric's ..  r they still drinkingundecided water when they slow down it's a sure sign it's very close 

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        • Yes.. they are still taking in water.. how much time do you think it has to go? I don't want to harvest them to early or to late... lol

          0 0 0 0 0 0
        • dam just looked u r hydro so toss that out .....

          1 0 0 0 0 0
          • Are they Autos? Autos never surrender from from what I have read. The trichs tell the story though

            0 0 0 0 0 0
            • Trichs are clear and looking good... I check them every day 

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              • Sounds like you started to flush too early like Sub said below. 

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              • great work Joe.. In Hydro a flush usually goes for 5-7 days. not much more. soil can go for 2 weeks. You ideally want cloudy trichs with a small amount of amber.

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                • I agree, a 2 week flush in hydro is cruel and unusual punishment, they react fast in hydro. But it could be a good stress technique so let us know how it goes 

                  1 0 0 0 0 0
                • Grow an Auto till its dead, then youll know its done.  lol


                  Get a cheap digital microscope to really get a look a the trichs.  Every color change has different traits that go with that stage.  those look amazing, so as one of the wiser people on here told me, give it another week or two.  

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                  • If they looked like that in Aug, I bet they look like ash now. LOL

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