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Need your input

Since this is my very 1st grow, I just wanted some advice on what you think is going on? and what would you recommend? Thank you!

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Replies (8)
    • Here's a zoomed out picture. 

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      • What kind of nutrients are you using? The more information you can give us the more we can help. Ph? Soil, etc 

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        • try growweedeasy.com plant problems .......

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          • Could be over watering, nute imbalance, PH issue, or a combination of these. Let her dry out a little, and cut nutes in half . TBS... this isn't RDW,DWC,or hydro is it ? Whole nother animal. The plant looks well fed so be careful with nutes. You're gettin close to harvy !!! 

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            • Thanks for everyone's input. I'm growing in a hydroponic system. I might have to pump the water out and just add ph balanced water...

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              • We are glad to have you here! We all improve as growers through this community!

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              • first thing i would check is the pH of your reservoir

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                • SHB is spot on.

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