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Hi again! Been a while!


I just got new seeds from Nirvana, all autos, and I am planning on having an outdoor grow in the south of Spain. My initial plan is to wait until August or September because of the heat but I might change my mind. Any pointers to a good guide or something for an outdoor grow for autos?

    • and here a generic guide about growing outdoor:

      Complete Guide to Growing Cannabis Outdoors | Grow Weed Easy

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      • Tell as few people as possible, and hide the plants from peering eyes . Are you gunna be in pots ? That's the way to go in case of an emergency , weather related or other probs .  Mobile plants are great for many reasons. I've  never grew "autos" but maturation date is key. Work with Mother Nature as best you can. GL

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        • yes I was thinking of pots to be able to move them around a little if needed.

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        • Welcome Back BEWB! been a while...hows ur grows been doin? and yes  buckets/pots werk nice if ya ever need to move em...GL

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          • welcome back NEWB long time no c hope things r good your way good 2 c u .....

            0 0 0 0 0 0
            • Welcome back Newb

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