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This is a White Widow seed I just started. It is looking like the last ones that died. Tall and skinny - then fall over without the leave ever opening. I use quality soil and ph test my water.

    • light too far away or insufficient wattage.

      looks wet, this is what will cause damping off. But you may have recently watered.

      possible solution would be to repot in soil that has better run off, or just to get it out of the muck if it is a moisture issue.

      Hope these observations can help guide you in a solution


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      •  Definitely not enough light.

        Is the membrane still holding the leaves closed? If so, you need to pull it off, GENTLY.

        Did you just water? If not, then yeah, soil's too wet. Also, sprinkle cinnamon on top of the soil, around the stem. You may have had damping off, with all that stem.

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