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So super soil is supposed to be good because you just need to add water and occasional supplements like guano or Epson salts etc. My question is that bugs are not always bad in this case. If the bugs are in the soil and not coming out or hurting the plant visually than I would assume that the bugs seen once the soil is stirred to add a new plant must be a good thing.  I don't find any trying to get out and crawl arround. How do you super spoilers feel. I  would think we have to change our minds that most bugs are good. We have come to believe that about microorganism and micronutrients of late. 

    • While I'm only a "Regular" soil grower, I do know that some bugs live in the soil, and either they, or their larvae, attack your roots.

       If I can't find it on a list of "Beneficials", it's gone.

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      • Going off topic but what kind of bags do you use for SOG? 1 gallon smart pots are all short and fat, I want tall and skinny 

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        • https://growace.com/products/1-gallon-pvc-grow-bags-10-pack?gclid=CjwKCAjwndCKBhAkEiwAgSDKQRqyvx9X5QTBUIrlWDV-mrevAYNm3gv5q0XJMPvXCv8lTa36hoeVJRoCXwsQAvD_BwE

          These are what I use, but I gettem on Ebay.

          I lovem, because they're taller and thinner, and use a smaller footprint.

          (Don't know if I already answered this, back in June. It just popped up in my notifications.)

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        • Great information rbtasq!  Where do I find and learn about these beneficials you mention? I mean the idea of living soil is I guess to keep the beneficials alive while controlling the pests with organics like neet oil for example. Chemicals in you soil can kill all bugs which kinda defeats the purpose.9

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          • Bugs are bad,, microbes are less likely to be, so if you can see it, kill it if you cant leave it alone, nature is kind of cool that way 

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            • So I know about neet oil. It's supposed to organically keep the bad pests away. Are there any other organic pesticides that work. I also heard coffee grinds make the soil undesirable to pests because they look like the jagged crystallized mountains to pests. Any one else have any ideas, tricks, hints or tips?

              And who's to say that the organics only kill the pests and not these beneficials?

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              • 0 0 0 0 0 0
                • Are bad

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                  • try growweedeasy.com will help u out  ....

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