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I have also read that yellowing leaves on a clone are an indication that the plant is pulling resources from the leaves to aid the root growth. 

Aloe Vera as a cloning gel has come up also in my research. I have access to fresh Aloe Vera plants and will definitely try using fresh gel from just picked leaves.

I believe my clones are getting to wet because I do live in a hot and humid climate. Any suggestions on how to clone in this environment. I have backed off on watering which I hope will help. I  do use a dome and keep the vents open. Dryness is likely not my particular problem.

    • great discussion! For what its worth, i am in a similar climate living right off the Texas Gulf Coast.

      warm, moist, humid climate is what you want

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      • i am like booze warm,moist,humid and i use a weak mix of muriate of potash 2 put in the water reservoir works great happy happy .........

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        • "clones" are we talkin rooted or non rooted ?" What media are you using to clone with ? It should be damn near impossible to over water a clone...TBS don't drown it every day ! Some media holds on to moisture better than others too. You need to learn by experience when it comes to cloning. Many,many ways to clone. Take this for whatever you think it's worth, I've posted this before. No matter what media you use for cloning, always put a layer (1 inch) of perlite on the bottom, to facilitate drainage, create air space, and to provide an easy, loose layer of substrate, for those first delicate roots to develop in. Like I said there's many ways to clone . Peace

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