Well guys March has been a lion all last week .15-30 mph wind all week.Thst is a lot here.Lake Wind Advisory out all week.Killing my crappie fishing switch to hybrid stripers now.Trout season opens in. month
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- · Kushman,60
Well had tornado warnings all around us this morning.Have not heard of any damage.That a blessing so many waking up to a different world.Pray for them all
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- · Kushman,60
Well storms rolling through early this morning
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- · Kushman,60
So why does this happen? Mysterious... Never quit thinking and learning
Hey guys don't forget to set timers up a hour
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- · Kushman,60
I grew a Bubble kush once n it gave me 6 dried oz.Huge buds hard as a rock
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- · Kushman,60
I got a buddy says if I grow it he will eat it..We gonna see hehehe
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- · Kushman,60
Well looks like Greenpoint has lost their main breeder. He has left the farm and returned to his old facility. He will be releasing stuff when he's ready on Gu was just to hard to work for and cared more about mass production...
Well I ordered 6 of the world hottest pepper seeds for my side project this year
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- · Kushman,60
It did man I know I'm stubborn as heck not fond of admitting I was Iwrong.But it ain't first time I've had crow for dinner.Thank to everyone that has contributed to my education.Thanks to all parties involved.If I've stepped on your...
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- · Kushman,60
Word of advice don't rub or touch your eyes until you wash hands.Not a good feeling
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- · Kushman,60
Is that paper sacks full of weed in the background ..... HILARIOUS !!
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- · Chubby441
My house is supposed on 3sides by bamboo use it to spread limbs open for more air flow.Dont need mold at this stage.Humidty is in 40s in tent with lights on
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- · Kushman,60
Sitting on the porch burning one a dang mosquitos buzzing around.On February 7th it was 76 here today n 80nwxt 2 days.WTH
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- · Kushman,60
I keep mine between 6.2 n 7.0 in Promix
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- · Kushman,60
Vince do you notice any difference in the high of the grows like the two in pictures?
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- · Kushman,60
Snow on ground last Thursday now 72 will be almost 80 this weekend Dang.My buddy is having to put his buddy down today.Seizers.
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- · Kushman,60
Well one week ago snowing here today Spring like 63 n B UTifullday here my hit my buddy's pond see can catch few for supper.Stripers running now in Clarkshill lake Crappie in creeks.I don't know bout you all but I love to hunt n fish n...
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- · Kushman,60
We just missed seeing trump and airforce one taking in Las Vegas. We were stuck in TSA and couldn't get through.
Woke up last night to cold house heater went out during the nite.burrrr.zGot a fire going in woodstove now
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- · Kushman,60