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Got a Text From King 😢

I texted King and got a response that I am still processing . Mr. King lost Mama on the 17th . I can't imagine such a loss. This breaks my heart . King is such a good guy. I know he did everything for Mama and was always there for her. A true Super Trooper. A true MAN. I asked him if I could post something and he said yes.. I am lost for words so Maybe everybody on here send a prayer or thought  up for The great guy Mr. King and his family. He said his family is coming over and helping which is great.  

Love Ya like Family Mr. King!

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Comments (14)
    • King, you definitely have my sympathy! Stay close to family and youre friends at weedportal will be here when you are ready to come back! Love you man!

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      • King...

        So very sorry to hear of your loss.

        My heart hurts for you, Brother.

        If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to reach out.

        Love ya, Brother.

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        • Cake, send him our love and prayers!  Hope to see him back on here.  If he should need anything, I’m happy to help.  Think we are not too far away.

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          • Will do Sarge

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          • So very sorry for your loss king. We are all praying for you and your family. 😪

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            • Thank you for the update cake your a good man and a good friend.

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            • I’ve been gone for a bit …..  just finding out tonight that Mr. King has lost mama.  I’m so very sorry to hear of this loss.   There are no words to express the sympathy I feel . I’m indeed very saddened .  😢  sending prayers of comfort .   




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