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Expert Seeds

Kudos To Expert Seeds.

Ireland, to the East coast in 4 days.

Whatcha think about THAT, Nirvana?

We'll see. Placed an order with Nirvana same day.

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Comments (7)
    • They do a nice job. 

      Same amount of time for me for either of them

      Gorilla ch is rocking

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      • When I used to order from nirvana I think the soonest I received my order on the east coast was 11 days. And that was before the zombie apocalypse. 

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        • That’s impressive for any company and not paying expedited shipping 

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          • I grew there Amnesia Haze and it was fun grow and really nice buzz. After Nirvana's US shop was set up I only buy seeds that are within the US and come in the original breeders packaging. There are 2 many great strains available within the US to wait for shipping and roll the dice through Customs.    

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            • And I wont spent an extra 40% for a breeder to get their product to me. 

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              • Lol! I've got no problem throwing this out there, when i won a pack of seeds from nirvana customs intercepted them and when I opened a support ticket and provided a copy of the confiscation I was told point blank, we are not responsible for confiscated seeds but as a ONE time gesture we will replace them LOL!

                After that I never got any seeds from overseas and it totally opened the door for me to experience some amazing strains right in my own back yard and since then I've created an arsenal of new kick ass strains.

                When I purchase seeds they come with a guarantee arrival!

                Just saying.




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                • The only seeds I dont buy direct from the breeders are from well known breeders, the seeds are in the US before I buy them and they come in the original packaging. Its a growing and completive market over here, why should the consumer take the risks?


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