My girl

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Comments (9)
    • Definitely will! Anything special y’all recommend feeding so they will bulk up???

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      • Great job!!

        well if you do not risk to run into mold probs, blackstrap molasses does wanders

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      • so nice, way to go nana!

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        • I'd say don't try to bulk up too much because you're already at high risk of mold and moisture is gonna hurt you more with the tighter buds.

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          • yeah i dint mean to tryna stear ya in wrong direction...if your gettin a lot of rains ect ya dont need molds thats for sure..

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            • Looks good but what is eating your leaves?

              0 0 0 0 0 0
              • Someone got happy with the snips. 😇

                0 0 0 0 0 0
                • I was thinking that may have been something like that. The cuts were pretty straight 

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