Close up- dont know what to make of this, kinda nervous
· Rick
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It hasn't even lost it's seedling leaves yet...can't be very old...well that's what I call those little goofy leaves they get after they pop...I'm sure they are called something other than goofy little And @ this point It doesn't need much in the way of nutrients other than some Rhizotonic or something of the sort mixed with the water...some info on the medium you are using would help...I honestly wouldn't worry...
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· RbtAsq
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"Those goofy little leaves"= Cotyledon
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· RbtAsq
· InviGrows
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Its a light living soil supersoil mix using ffof compost and amendments. Havent add much water since the first run off, 10-11 days ago. Think ive water twice about a gallon total for all the 6 pots
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· InviGrows
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I dont think I ever heard that word when I could hear and now that I try to sound it out I think, screw it they dont last long enough for me to put in the effort so I have to look them up every time. Cot-y-ly-down is how it looks to me but I was never hooked on phonics or any other English Lit addictions, thats how they get you
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· Rick
· InviGrows
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Thats my biggest fear but havent seen any with the eye, been using neem and pest soap, also have a no-pest strip on above the lights. Will order a handheld microscope
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· InviGrows
i just see the slight tip burn. Amendments to Ocean Forest? have you scoped your leaf just for the sake of it? You just have to give it a day or two. maybe just a bit of hot soil? i do believe you will survive
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Dont look at it so closely
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