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What the Hell is going on?

I don't understand the sudden exodus. SUB's and Cake both leaving? Did I totally miss something? Why are we loosing good people?

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Replies (12)
    • i must of missed it too, both good people  

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      • just give it some time so they can think about it and hopefully they both decide to stay

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        • I hope so. This time of year sometimes stirs up emotions that leads us in strange directions and I hope this is what is going on. This group of veterans of this site are in my opinion an extended family and I hope these guys find their way back. 

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          • gone for 5 min and this happens dam ......  frown

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            • Right?

              0 0 0 0 0 0
            • I have my suspicions but will keep them to myself... because it's only a suspicion...

              0 0 0 0 0 0
              • Those knuckleheads were a handful weren't they! Lol

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                • i must have gotten the news second hand sorry i am n the wrong story 2 night couple more pages and c what's happen there ....

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                  • Yeah but damn they were handsome 

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                  • I'll tell yall exactly why dudes leave the WP ! It's a pain in the ass to find relevant older posts, or even to find a comment directed to you from someone else's response to a post. To much huntin page by page !!!   

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                    • Ok so back to producing! Nothing is going on. Brother's may need a break? Who knows but most vets have been there and maybe there is something else but who knows! Hey guys enjoy your time off and when ya come back will still here with ya and for what ever it's worth, you'll have my support!

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