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I have always kept my plants from seed to about half the height that I want them under 24 hours of light . Is there any scientific evidence showing that a 18/6 schedule is more beneficial to the girls ? I know some of you know just from experience .  

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Replies (7)
    • ive used 24/7 on photos and it worked fine but i had some auots get fucky on me on 24 hours. i kno some people will say everything needs a rest but autos are not supposed to be photo sensitive

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      • I've used 24, and 18/6 both for veg. The only real difference is a slightly smaller light bill.

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        • I agree

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        • google "circadian rythm in plant lifecycle", then you'll understand why plants need a rest period for a properly functionning metabolism

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          • when I first started growing inside, I would use 24/0 light cycle for Veg, but I found the plants grow fine on the 18/6 cycle!  Except when growing Autos then 18/6 all the way.

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            • I have grown the dreaded awful flowers with photo periods and I dont think I could have gotten  anything extra out 18/6 after they started flowering. Well other than what RbtAsq said. lol That would be a great experiment if they ever stabilize the damn things so 2 are the same phenotype 

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            • Thanks.

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