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Are In House Genetics worth the cost?

They have some Kush Strains I would like to try but I see their price for 10 is $250, that is about twice the usual cost for top shelf seeds. Are they twice as good?

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Replies (17)
    • see, I don't think any seed is worth some of the prices they are asking on some of these sites. your price of the seed coupled with growing costs and  nutrients, buying it might be cheaper. These high prices kind of price out hobby growers who would appreciate growing them. I haven't seen any of these high priced collections in a dispenary or I just can't afford the entrtance fee to the places that have such "quality" bud.

      How do I know it's worth 250/ 10 seeds ? what if you just happen to get that one wierd cousin that takes after great- great grampa hemp and they are meh or garbage?

      these are not in my seed budget, I sigh and read on. I pretty much don't want the value of my seeds to be more than 10 or so bucks, more seems really wasteful. beside id have to raise my insurance to cover them then.😀

      Inhouse, outhouse doesn't matter if the genes are good then only care, feeding and getting something of quality for your work is what matters.

      just saying

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      • Yeah, I figure if they are a cross of 2 strains I have heard of its a bad sign and maybe I should go back and try the parents first

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        • I have some beans I am iching to get on stage are from the land race team. Hard to pass up base genetics for a challenge 

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          • Everything I saw on their site said "New" in front, but it does seem like they are the breeder for an old standard. Seed Finder here I come


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          • what i have grown of them have been good. but i get them at my local shop for cheaper than if i buy Straite from the company. 

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            • I dont think any of the dispensaries or grow supply places up here sell seeds. I wonder why not? The one I order seeds from sells clones but it isn't a dispensary or much on growing supplies. That would be some nice one stop shopping wouldn't it.  

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              • yes it would. mine don't sell clones but the owner will give me clones from his personal grow if he thinks its worth growing.but he will sell individual seeds,half packs or full packs.

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                • It will happen

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                • There worth it man, some strains are just for valuable than others and Most of the time your paying just to acquire the strain just for its fame.

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                  • i agree.seed junky is another good genetics but pricy to. there la kush cake is my favorite from them.

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                    • In the end if you bump into that "gotta have it " bud you'll dig deep for change.

                      Still sitting on the fence about getting freakshow beans. Then there is ABC out of Australia that is really weird genes. Grows like a bush round leaves


                      This one's picts look a little like freakshow, a little



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                      • I got this response from them 

                        Jamaica Longtime 10 seeds 170 Euros or 5 seeds 90 Euros

                        Shipping and tracking 10 Euros

                        That is not over the top $. Jamaican was one of the first sinsemilla I ever tried and it left a really good impression. 

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                        • I will try buying 5 and see what I can do with them, I am thinking I mostly want the Male pollen to add some of the qualities to the crosses I have started.  . 

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                          • The KANDAHAR looks pretty good too. 

                            Damn this seed buying addiction, I need to find a meeting.

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