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So seems everyone is re vegging something are there any favorite formulas or guidelines for formulas you folks use?

My plants are showing a lot wrong with their current feed.

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Replies (12)
    • Revegging is a pain that I wouldn't go through unless it was a very special plant I wanted for breeding. 

      My experience is that they sometimes make a helluva plant, a total mess, or die.

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      • SBR is right it can be a PITA...but if it makes it, It can be a room full of clones too ! Make sure it's worth it. I've found the best way to reveg a plant that has flowered, is to basically leave it alone and be patient . No ferts, little water (over watering will doom the plant), air for the roots,18/6 photoperiod, and find a space that it can sit in for at least 30 days. When I reveg my regs that have been sexed, it's important to make the determination on sex early as possible, reveg can be as easy as 10-15 days under 18/6 !

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        • Everyone should reveg at least one time  just to watch how they morph, it is wild. If its something you want to keep going and you have the room its not a bad way to do it but I dont advise doing it to smoke, The clones will be fine but the revegged mother is a bit of a mess.

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          • everyone is revegging?? if thats the case it must be a special plant or an accident because revegging SUCKS (almost as much as autos!)  it can take a long time.

            CPW says everyone should try it once in their growing career and i agree! its a different world! the leaf get ugly and weird shaped and the plant begins to look nothing like cannabis.

            it is good to be able to identify a plant that is flip flopping like that. it helps you diagnose plant issues. if you see a plant (photoperiod) that is in flower and they exhibit the strange leaf pattern you KNOW it has reverted back to vegetation and most likely due to a light leak or timer issue.

            Autos can be somehwat photosensitive to from my experience.. sometimes if they get  too much light they will freak out and go between flower and veg or take forever to flower (Thats why autos can SUCK!)

            signed: SubterraneanHomesickBooze (The KING of reveg!!)

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            • some like them awful flowers not me never have had much luck with them ....

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              • Rumor has it that autos revegging is what happened in Chernobyl, something unnatural turned into a freak of nature and tried to take over.  

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                • i remember harley24 was doing like 25 blueberry autos and like 15 of them wouldnt flower and stayed in veg for an extended amount of time!

                  it was so bad he had to cut his hours back to 12/12. Threw off his whole timing! so he had half his plants in flower and half in veg!!   

                  Autos arent foolproof! Thats why i wouldnt recommend them to a beginner

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                • it ain't no fun revegging lets move on 2 some fun shit ....

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                  • Its freaky fun watching the leaves morph into some that looks nothing like a weed leaf, I am not talking about a new leaf looking weird I am talking about about a leaf changing its shape like a leporid changing its spots.  

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                    • is something 2 c for sure first one i seen did not have a clue what waz going on complete air head 4 sure ...

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                      • That would make it even more freaky. . Cool

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