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Anyone using the autopot system? Just curious what other folks experience has been with them.

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Replies (7)
    • I just looked at the autopot, looks expensive and no easier then any other system. not for beginners.

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      • No not cheap little valves that's for sure. The idea of letting the plant feed itself bottom up sounds good. No flushing either. Sounds weird, but looking forward to seeing how that works. What attracted me to it was the ability to leave it for other things without manual interaction on a daily basis, which I may not have time for. And when set right I could in theory leave it for a week or two to tend itself. Like that would ever happen, hahaha don't know about everyone else but "talking to the plants" everyday sooths the soul

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      • I would have some serious withdraws day 3

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        • ABSOLUTELY Mark D !!! Gotta see my plants everyday !

          0 0 0 0 0 0
          • You should have been here about 2 years and one WP ago. Or were you? Stick & Stan is that you?

            0 0 0 0 0 0
            • Lol

              0 0 0 0 0 0
              • I have  post traumatic Stick disorder. lol 

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