I smell a Skunk !!!
My 3 skunks are at 8 weeks , looking to finish at the end of the year . I understand the purpose of flushing but have never done it for potted pot inside growing . I need some pointers please !!!
· bill59
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You'll hear different opinions on flushing. If you're mid-grow, I see no reason to flush unless they were over-fed. If you're talking about flushing before harvest, some flush, others don't. Since cannabis packs on weight late in the cycle, I like feeding them a light mix the last couple of weeks. You can back off to mainly water in the last week before harvest or even do a comparison (flush one plant and don't flush another).
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ive done side by sides of flushed versus non flushed and i really cant tell a difference personally. try a not flushing one and take the pepsi chalenge!! (that was a thing in the 80's)
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· Texasbob
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I've tried it several times as a comparison and I can't tell a difference.
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· Texasbob
Might make a big mess to clean up
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· bill59
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For me in hydro, I generally flush, not because of chemicals but because the plants seem to stop eating through the roots towards the end so when the water goes down and the PPM goes up that tells me the plant is done eating through the roots and on the home stretch to harvest, in soil or coco its harder for me to tell but why add nutrients if the plant isnt going to take them in that last week or 2.
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· Starfish
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I want to try hydro one day , Looks like my first soil grow is going to be a success
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· Starfish
· Starfish
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Indoor grow
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· Starfish
great information from bill59 and CPW. consider this. no other crop gets flushed before harvest. on the other hand it doesnt hurt anything in the end and you want to err on the side of caution
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· Starfish
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· Starfish