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How to treat powdery mildew? Lost 1 plant because I didn't catch it in time (only 4 weeks from harvest). Pulled the other plants out and used warm bleach water and washed the inside of the tent, lights, and fans. Sprayed the other girls with milk/water mix. Is there anything else I can do just to get them across the finish line or are they doomed?

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Replies (6)
    • dehumidifier and fans

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      • And defoliate to improve air flow in the canopy.

        Just about the only things you can do this late in flower.

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        • thanks! yeah i almost went and editted my post to add defoliation.  its an indoor thing.....

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        • I agree with the answers above but that is more preventative, to get rid of it assuming you already have it I sprayed with 3% hydrogen peroxide and did it a few times about 3 days apart. It seems to get rid of it even on out door grows but if you dont solve airflow it will be back in force. 

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          • You can keep it fought back by mixing 1tbs of vinegar in a quart of water and spraying leaves top and bottom. Personally I use apple cider vinegar but white will work  I also use a drop or two of dish soap. Wash your plants when you harvest. 

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            • There's 2 good answers above to control PM. Maybe you could alternate them . GL

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