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 What is your favorite brand Mycorrhizal fungi.

On your recommendation list the specific 1, I know great White had different ones. Some of the others may as well.

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Replies (10)
    • I use Mykos and Azos.

      Recharge is another good one.

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      • ive used the Advanced trio Voodoo Juice, Piranha ad Tarantula but theyre damn expensive! alot of the microbials are pricey. Id like to get my hands on Mammoth P and Tribus some day soon

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        • Recharge and 

          VAM Endo-Mix™

          7 species of Granular Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, resulting in superior plant and root growth. Use in a variety of applications including dry broadcast for turf and farms or add to liquid for hydroponic, irrigation, and hand-watering applications. Use for seed treatments, clones/cuttings, and fortification after making compost tea. Grown In Vivo. No Trichoderma.

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          • I've used Great White powder, Orca liquid (I think that is the same stuff as great white??). Also used Canna Rhizotonic, I think I'm sticking with the great white powder added to feed in veg and dusting the medium during transplants. All seems pricey but I think the mykos and azos may be more reasonable.

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            • I think Orca and Great White are the same too. Great White is really good for coco but not so much in water grows.

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            • Recharge and Rapid Start for roots too...

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              • i guess i am the red headed step child i use fish sh!t  ....

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                • i use recharge. rapid roots, and mykos

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                  • I use recharge and Orca in coco coir and Orca and WP Mycos in RDWC and Ebb & Flow. I add some dry Amino Acids  to the hydro grows and some Humic Acid and liquid Kelp too both water and coco. I have developed quite a cocktail for the roots. It seems to work. The last RDWC grow I just put in the root cocktail for a day and then add the  nutrients and supplements, they seem to like that. Sort of like grapping a burger and a beer after a weekend at a Vegan house.  

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                    • Thanks for all the responses!!!!!

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