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No been using kangaroots, was told not to use hydroguard with it. Air pump is activeaqua 15 l/min. According to pahydo should large enough with fall ponics, they also said don’t leave air gap. Temps are set at 69 with chiller. Adding sledgehammer to reservoir once a week per fox farms webpage because rdwc. When it was showing some issues I did straight water with sledgehammer, and after short while drained system. Then add nutrients at reduce amount. I have blue rain drum that I fill with water add nutrients one at a time and use aeromixer- then pump back into reservoir once temp ph and everything else looks correct. Leaves don’t have that wilting look at base so much anymore, but still getting brown spots on the leaves. Need to get some photos of that up close. I’m adding calmag once a week whether I change out reservoir. Ph is staying steady at 5.9-6.0. Did do a calibration on pen and it was dead on. Even temps on pen match with chiller match up. Highest temp has got is 81, most of time it is 76, and lowest was 67 today. Have humidity swings of 50-70.usually humidity is when I forget to fill humidifier. I’m sure I’ll get it dialed in. 

