Hey CHAs have you started a Cherry Limeade bean yet.Mine up about 1 1/2 inches so far.Really looking forward to growing the first 4 GP beans.Knowvmine won't look as good as the pictures they post for ad but I'm gonna try.The Barney Farm run is doing very good so far
Those images are from everyday growers like us. You're more than capable of growing that same quality medicine.
Nawww! i have a grow goin on now...wont be ready for a while...only in bloom about 3 weeks...next one is when i try a couple those GP beanz i mentioned the other day.. prolly around end of march er so.. yeah i goin to do one Cherry Limeade and one the Permanent Marker x Dip N Stix and one EthosPurple Sunset and one strain mix i made a couple years ago
right now i am runnin 2 Nirvana strainz...one Green Poison and one Matanuska and also im runnin a GP bean now too one Coffee Crisps in one setup and in another setup i have a NASC-TasteBudz - Cherry Cheese Cake Auto.. just chopped a GP Wedding Cake- Auto Auto and a GP Dos Si Dos - Auto .. those are drying