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Hey CHAs have you started a Cherry Limeade bean yet.Mine up about 1 1/2 inches so far.Really looking forward to growing the first 4 GP beans.Knowvmine won't look as good as the pictures they post for ad but I'm gonna try.The Barney Farm run is doing very good so far

    • Those images are from everyday growers like us. You're more than capable of growing that same quality medicine. 

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      • Nawww! i have a grow goin on now...wont be ready for a while...only in bloom about 3 weeks...next one is when i try a couple those GP beanz i mentioned the other day.. prolly around end of march er so.. yeah i goin to do one Cherry Limeade and one the Permanent Marker x Dip N Stix and one EthosPurple Sunset  and one strain mix i made a couple years ago

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        • right now i am runnin 2 Nirvana strainz...one Green Poison and one Matanuska and also im runnin a GP bean now too one Coffee Crisps in one setup and in another setup i have a NASC-TasteBudz - Cherry Cheese Cake Auto.. just chopped a GP Wedding Cake- Auto Auto and a GP Dos Si Dos - Auto  .. those are drying

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