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Not to shabby

Pretty constant for first 24 of running things🙏🌱🔥

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Comments (11)
    • where is the fun of growing it seems like mass producing 2 me if u r n 2 that would b nice but i am just a shade tree grower i guess i will just stay on the porch and have my coffee ............ 

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      • Being able to check your environment when your away and cant do any thing about it is a great thing for stress, if you like stress that is lol

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        • I love drinking coffee on the porch with a bowl!

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        • Apologies been busy peeps. Yea good ol Amazon, trinkets and useful stuff. To me that is🙋‍♂️...so this chart is a simple push button different setting. Iv been using the meter n charts  to simply make sure I’m not outta that 10* on/off shift and humidity levels...I no not of mass production, or stress for that matter.. Just slight OCD and moreso intrigued  in tightening up my grow game  
          No wireless currently...just Bluetooth for around the house. When gone the video cameras and smoke alarms got it handled 😬

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          • Gadgets are great and can make life more complex or simplify stupid repetitive shit. User defined i'd say. But I am a fan of, Keep It Simple Stupid. My montra for doing things.  This is definitely useful for dialing it in. Records are important too. And can you record with it ? That would be awesome to track best practices with.

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            • Does it tell you if you have a fungal or insect prob, just kiddin. I dig the infatuation, but I'm WAY to old school for this...he,he,he! Now all you have to do is figure out how to fix the probs that it points out. You'll find that once you get a good handle on the plants optimum environment, you set it, check it after 24hrs., and if it's still good you're there ! It shouldn't change much ! TBS.. ID especially you gotta be there. I commented a few months ago on another weed site to a dude that went on a 5 day trip somewhere and came back to dead ID plants. He was whinning ! So I said " if you can be there don't grow."  He replied back and said "I don't want to be your friend." ! I thought that was hilarious ! I better go back to WP where they at least tolerate my ass !

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              • I think I saw that post😄 I went away, but calculated my losses. I was ok, but should've put in more juice because it ran out the day I came back!  Bigger reservoir would be needed for any longer a duration.

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