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What happens.

So what happens when the seeds get intercepted 

I live in Buffalo NY. 

The envelope was ripped open with a violation letter in it. 

I tried emailing Alice no response 

Weed is legal in ny 

The piece of paper stated that the seeds were destroyed due to mail violation 


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Comments (7)
    • C'mon there is more pressing sht going on to waste time and money on snagging seeds is ridiculous...put all that effort in finding fentanyl and such things as that...I never heard of a seed killing anyone let alone flower...JSMH

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      • It isn't just cannabis seeds, there's a whole list of plants/ seeds that can't be imported.

        Most make sense, invasive or parasitic plants, etc.

        Kudzu is a great example. Used to be imported as an ornamental, now you can't get rid of it.

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        • Weed isn't invasive or parasitic, so if it ever gets legalized federally, it may be able to be imported.

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        • its weekend over here so we are closed, i am the only 1 online in the weekend, tomorrow (today as it is 3:30 am) alice will read and react to your mail/ticket i think ;)

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          • When mine got intercepted at JFK and I was sent a letter, they resent them. I just sent a email and a photo of the letter. AJ helped me. 

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            • Yes. Alice is trying again. 

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