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seems 2 b

seems there r a lot of fixed income homies on the portal me 2 .....  cool

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Comments (5)
    • Is that a nice way of saying "Buncha old farts around here."???   lol

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      • We are all struggling king, but that’s what happens when you keep raising interest rates and not lowering corporate taxes. Everyone I know either paying there mortgage or renting are paying hundreds more MONTHLY, than they were last year. Another year and a half of this crap…,,God help us!!

        0 0 0 0 0 0
        • We just got our house paid off thankfully!  These are some crazy times for sure

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          • over here in the netherlands its not getting better either believe me, grocery's went up like 30%, rent went up, gas went up asurace went up....heck everything went up except salary

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            • Jim life the same brother ......

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