Jesse is back (?)
It is best to ask for help.
What I did:
started in small pot, might be around a 1L pot- 1.5L pot
saturated whole pot with boiling water to sterilise my soil (a week ago)
Been only watering very very lightly around the base of seedling
What’s happening:
pot has slight weight when I lift it
pot doesn’t have a dark color, so I could see the soil when a light is present. It seems to look and have some wet pockets, or you could refer to photo
top soil is dry, but can feel a bit of moisture if I put my finger in to feel it
My question: when do I really need to water? And the amount I have to water
· Chubby441
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"saturated whole pot with boiling water" what's up with that ? Been growin a loooong time and I've never done that !! Let her dry out a little and water as needed . Put some type of a fan on her too .
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I like to think I got away with my first grows. Could be bro science when I found out one way to sterilize ur media is by pouring boiling water. But in my place I can’t trust the shops that sell the soil. Good for y’all u got access to pro-mix or fox farm or some trusted brand. Keeping a fan on it! Thx
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· ChAs420
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whyd u wanna sterilize ur media in the ferst place?
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· ChAs420
· Jesse0420
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Had damping-off with a seedling a week ago. I used old soil. This one is new, but I wanted to be sure.
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· Jesse0420
· Chubby441
· Chubby441
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Damn J420, where do you live where you can't get any good substrates Africa ? I live out in the boonies too, I have reused my organic mix for years. Nothing fancy, but I keep adding to it year after year. TBS... I don't put seedlings in that mix until they're jammin in 3-4 weeks. The thing that bothers me about sterilizing any substrates, is now you must add everything back to the mix to make it good again. Do what you gotta do for this grow !!!! You're prob using synthetic nutes . After this grow, I would change to organics, and reuse the mix year after year. It's fun, and you'll learn a shitload about plant growth.
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· Chubby441
· Mark D
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I don't use organics. My autopot system isn't really made for it. This means of course if bugs do find a way, I use peroxide. I use it in the fertigation as well this keeps the counts down on growth of any kind. But if you grow org this will wipe out your fauna. So no Bueno in organics.
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· Mark D
· Hulk
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Jess I would repot that in a container that isn’t clear it looks like that one is. GL
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· Jesse0420
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Ok but why’s that the case?
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· Jesse0420
Roots don’t like light.
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· Hulk
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Sorry, Sarge nailed it roots hate the light, they will stay inside the dirt and won't grow out to sides.
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· Hulk
· Hulk