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Making concentrates

So picked up a backup bottle of fake piss for my new old job yes worked for company for a decade left and a year later called me up money too good to turn down so anywho talking to the smoke shop guy I have known for a couple of years told him friend of mine grows haha and he gave me this glass tube to make concentrate it’s thick as shit and made specifically to make it. I am the first to admit I am nervous about the butane thing. Would like any suggestions as far as cooking off the butane obviously it’s going to be done outside. Again would like to hear from the good peeps on hear, rather than having to put that in my google search thanks. 

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Comments (11)
    • I plan on building a stand for it will probably weld something up at break times in the shop.

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      • No open flame !! Heating pad or electric skillet. I used an electric skillet with a little water added, and cooked off the butane in a separate glass container set in the water. Keep your electric skillet around 110-120 degrees. Add more water as needed. This creates a double boiler affect. Don't over do it !!! GL

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        • Sweet exactly what I am looking for thanks man.

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          • Hot water bath is safest, I would think electric hot plates and burners might have reostats, or a thermostat that could, and I say could cause a spark.  The water through a coffee maker is a perfect temp. And it's automatic. 

            Line your bread pan with silicone baking mat. Get a container for the bath, I like a brownie pan but what ever you have... put you water👇.

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            • Thanks Blue, much appreciated

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            • Got your vacuum purge rarin' to go?

              Ebay/ Amazon have cheap stands for blasting tubes. 

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              • No just the type right now brotha, going to check out Amazon for blasting tubes glad you said that I wouldn’t know what to  search. Thanks bra

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              • Do you guys know how many bottles of butane to use or is it as many as it takes to fill and flush out tube? What about packing it? Pack it loose or tight? Tube looks big enough I will be able to pack most of the fluffy nugs in the bottom so I don’t want to screw it up. Thanks

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                • Just do it outside. The butane will evaporate naturally but you have to vacuum it to get it all out. I use a rosin press nowadays, less dangerous and good clean wax. You can winterize it and make shatter but that also requires the vacuum pump.

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                  • Gotcha SBR outside fore sure, going to also look up both a press and a vacuum purger. Thank you.

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