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good morning wp hope everyone has a great day b safe


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Comments (5)
    • Good morning my friend!

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      • morning king 

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        • Late to the party again!!!  Hope all you guys have a great day!!

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          • Hey Sarge, how does the Raspberry Cough smoke? Yours lookd way better thatn mine ever did so I want to live vicarously through you?

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            • I really enjoyed it!  For me it was a productive easy going buzz,  take a poke or two and off we go!  Also made several sticks of butter from the RC, and enjoyed the infused treats as well.  Well recieved from my buddies on the golf course too!  Another plus from this strain is it was a high producer of Kief during the trimming process.  


              What I'm looking for at this stage is just what RC was, a good functional buzz.  I cut these plants at about 15-20% amber trichomes, dried for 10 days in my box and cured in the buckets for 10 weeks before sampling.  Probably don't need to tell you guys that the last bud tasted and smelled amazing after a 20 week cure.  Smoked that one last weekend.  

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