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Hello everyone

What's going on everybody? Just dropped in to check out what's going on and seems everyone is having great grows!

Been a busy summer for me and making the best of opportunities that were thrown my way. Retirement is closing in so can't let these opportunities pass by.

This heat has been really making things hard for me especially these past few weeks but I kind of got things under control.


I'll try not to be a stranger. Miss you guys!


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Comments (17)
    • Sounds like things are going well for you, Good to know. Stop back and let us know what your growing

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      • Hey brother.

        At the moment just 2 strains.

        I have lemon cherry pie and strawberry pancakes both from raw genetics. I need to situate my room a bit cause Im cramping too much in my spot when I really don't have too.

        Probably by next grow I'll have it figured out.

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        • Are you breeding or just growing?

          0 0 0 0 0 0
          • No sir. That's a winter thing for me. I got a half dozen strains from raw genetics I wanna try out first.

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          • Hey Pipes! how you doing old friend? and Yeah retirement can suck! you know "fix income" 

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            • Hey buddy how's it going?

              0 0 0 0 0 0
            • I love being retired! I have 100 acres to keep me busy. Deer, coyotes, bobcats, and two bears. Not to mention the fishing I get done. Don’t let it get to you. 

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              • i love being retired too! havnt werked in 9 1/2 years now..thankful i werked tons of OT ( 18+ hrs per week) for a lot of years..puts my montly SS checks pretty nice..plus made a nice 401k..now i smoking my rocking chair weed when ever i wanna

                0 0 0 0 0 0
                • Perfect man! Enjoy it brother!

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                • Hey Pipes, I was kind of push into retirement by cancer. not a great way but thankfully t hasn't popped back up yet. 

                  Retirement is good, drawback is your budget. some have done better. Sounds like you'll going to be all right.

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