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How often do you guys water. N. Haze says to water when its dry down to first knukle. I have always used a probe and water when its almost all dry, but before the leaves wilt. Just wondering. Thanks!!

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Comments (8)
    • Hey Koch, it all depends for me no set schedule I let the leaves tell me when to water, I will also go by the weight of the pot.

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      • Hey Hulk, have you got a smoke report on that Super Silver Haze?

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        • Oh yeah buddy, I absolutely love the smell and taste. It has a real sweet smell almost fruity I have popped the lid more than once just to smell never done that before closest comparison for me would be jock horror. Far as the high goes a real upity it’s stronger than I expected but it’s m learning it’s more than the THC percentage getting you high and this strain has the right ingredients to get you ripped. Just didn’t like the flower time just about 12 weeks anxious city.

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          • That is great to hear, thanks. I think the crosses I made with SSH and Lemon OG Haze will shorten the flowering time a little. 

            I was looking at some landrace strains that take 18-24 weeks to flower, I am a patient man but screw that

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          • the weight of the pot is a really good way to go. Givesyou a physical relationship with how much water they are using or need. I'm with Hulk.

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            • When I grow in soil I do like Hulk mentioned and when they need it they will tell you. I believe stress of that makes the plants crank up the terpene production.so in coco, once a week in late flower I turn off the auto feed until they droop a bit and when I drain and refill the RDWC I leave it empty until they droop a bit too. I notice the smell is stronger now that I do that  

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              • I lock my wife in the room with my plants for a little bit. If that don’t terp it up it’s a male.

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                • Watch out, I tried that and my wife threatened to kill all the plants

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